Press Releases

Network TwentyOne South Africa partners with Free Wheelchair Missions to Equip the Disabled

Release Date: August 3, 2007

In July of 2007 Network TwentyOne South Africa partnered with Free Wheelchair Missions to import 500 wheelchairs for distribution to the permanently disabled in the 3 cities of Sowero, Kimberly and Port Elizabeth South Africa. Over 2 weekends, both Network TwentyOne staff and IBOs (Amway Independent Business Owners affiliated with Network TwentyOne) assembled to assist in the building and distribution of these wheelchairs.

The stories of those serverd were both heartbreaking and uplifting. One such story was from a elderly woman who spoke about her life and how she could not walk. She said she was robbed and shot while trying to make a living selling vegetables and sweets to help her family. Since then she could not walk or do anything for herself. She is now 79 years old. Thanks to Wheelchairs Mission and Network TwentyOne she is now able to visit her family and friends once again.

Below is a reprint from an article in South Africa's Daily Sun Newspaper:

Life will never be the same!
The Daily Sun - July 30, 2007

by Ntombizodwa Makhoba

They have been disabled for so many years and could not afford to buy wheelchairs for themselves! The Network 21 Training organization has helped those who cannot help themselves.

On Saturday, young and old people with disabilities gathered at the Self-help Association for the Paraplegic in Mofolo Village, Sowero, South Africa to receive wheelchairs. And many of them came from the Braamfischer Centre for the Disabled in Soweto. Some of them will own a wheelchair for the very first time in their lives.

Network 21 Training's operations manager, Liza Tappenben, told Daily Sun that they made an announcement on Jozi FM, inviting disabled people from Soweto to come and collect wheelchairs at the centre.

"We were very happy that so many people responded to the call. We really appreciate it. We expected many people to come and collect wheelchairs, but some did not arrive. We have organized another day to hand out wheelchairs to those people who were unable to come," explained Liza.

She added that they managed to hand out 50 wheelchairs. She said disabled people who were not able to get wheelchairs are invited to come and collect them on 18 August at World Vision offices in Orlando East, Soweto. According to Liza, Network 21 Training has been running for the past 20 years. Their office is in Edenvale, Joburg. Julius Seganye (48), of Braamfischer in Soweto, told Daily Sun that he was very excited to get a new wheelchair.

"I have a wheelchair that I have been using for many years. It is very old now and I was struggling to use it, but now I have a new wheelchair!" said Julies with a smile.

About Network TwentyOne

Network TwentyOne International offers training and support to individuals around the world who are actively building their independent Amway business. Network TwentyOne has a systemized approach to business ownership and offers a simple, but highly sophisticated method for supporting, training, and equipping people for success in independent business ownership.

The Network TwentyOne training program has evolved based on the experience of working with tens of thousands of business owners in over 40 countries around the world. The principles are based upon decades of training and mentoring in leadership development and observing the success principles most effective for long-term results.

Network TwentyOne founder, Jim Dornan often said that there is nothing new or invented in what we teach... "Network TwentyOne has simply learned which business principles work consistently, and are duplicatable".

Network TwentyOne is privately owned and operated, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Countries of operation include:

  1. Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine.
  2. Asia Pacific: Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand.
  3. Central Asia: Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
  4. Africa: South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
  5. North America: USA, Canada and Mexico.

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