Press Releases

Network TwentyOne Founders Jim and Nancy Dornan Launch the New Network of Caring

Release date: June 26, 2009

For many years Network of Caring has been kind of a behind-the-scenes charity of Network 21. Admittedly, Network 21 could not, with all the demands of an international corporation, do much more than occasionally mention Network of Caring at N21 events and periodically report on their progress to responding donors. Amazingly, however, Network of Caring--through Network 21 IBOs--was doing a great deal: $30 million (USD) was being given to World Vision, the Karuna School was built and educating 1000s in Mumbai India, the Karuna Hostel was rescuing hundreds of orphans from the streets of Mumbai, and the Fernando Foundation was starting 55 Power Soccer Teams for the handicapped of America.

So when Jim and Nancy Dornan began to really see Network of Caring's "spare time" accomplishments, their thinking began to evolve. They wondered, "If this much happened without 'really trying', how much more was possible if a consistent effort was made to advance the cause of Network of Caring? What would happen if we had a full time leader offering the Network 21 family a compelling vision, strategy, and accountability for Network of Caring?" That was the genesis for the new Network of Caring and the hiring of R.D. Saunders.

When Jim Dornan asked John Maxwell's team at EQUIP for a recommendation for a leader for Network of Caring, R.D. Saunders was their first suggestion. His 22 years leading charitable organizations and 13 trips abroad, uniquely qualify him to lead Network of Caring. With many international experiences including training leaders for John Maxwell on 5 different continents, R.D. is well aware of the needs of the international community. He and his wife Shelli, share a natural passion for people and for making a difference in the world. They have two sons, Landon (19) and Logan (15) and reside in Buford GA.

But how will the new Network of Caring be different? Network of Caring will have a consistent presence in the Network 21 world. Network of Caring will creatively inspire the N21 family to seize the amazing opportunities we have together to meet the needs of others. Network of Caring will enlist the N21 family into the worldwide army of Network of Caring to change the lives of literally millions of people. Network of Caring will work to bring the experience of significance to every person in the N21 family.

Look for the new Network of Caring website soon. Check us out on Facebook and follow us on Twitter at

About Network TwentyOne

Network TwentyOne International offers training and support to individuals around the world who are actively building their independent Amway business. Network TwentyOne has a systemized approach to business ownership and offers a simple, but highly sophisticated method for supporting, training, and equipping people for success in independent business ownership.

The Network TwentyOne training program has evolved based on the experience of working with tens of thousands of business owners in over 40 countries around the world. The principles are based upon decades of training and mentoring in leadership development and observing the success principles most effective for long-term results.

Network TwentyOne founder, Jim Dornan often said that there is nothing new or invented in what we teach... "Network TwentyOne has simply learned which business principles work consistently, and are duplicatable".

Network TwentyOne is privately owned and operated, and is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Countries of operation include:

  1. Europe: Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Romania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and Ukraine.
  2. Asia Pacific: Australia, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Korea, Malaysia, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Vietnam and Thailand.
  3. Central Asia: Russia, Kazakhstan and Mongolia.
  4. Africa: South Africa, Namibia and Botswana.
  5. North America: USA, Canada and Mexico.

Corporate Headquarters:

Network TwentyOne International
7320 McGinnis Ferry Road, Suwanee GA 30024, USA

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